Japan has a diverse religious landscape that is harmonious in daily life and cultural practices. Let's see some of religion in Japan together πŸ‘

Japan is a country that gives freedom to people to follow any religion. Among the religions found in Japan are Shinto, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism. Shinto religion is a religion that worships the sun, mountains, and other nature as gods. Not only that, but even things they consider as their gods.

Japan does not have a religious identity, because of that many Japanese people do not embrace a particular religion something that only exists in Japan and does not happen in other countries is that Japanese people combine the teachings of several religions in their life  For example, when a child is born, when it is a month old, the parents will take the child to a Shinto temple to be prayed for, then when they grow up, they get married in a Christian church, then when they die, they use Buddhist rituals. They do not believe in a belief, but rather do what they think is good without certain religious limitations.


Shinto, which means "Way of the gods", is the original religion of Japan and is practiced by around 93% of the population. Unlike Judeo-Christianity, Shinto due to its naturalness does not require confession in the same religion, rather participation in some aspects of Shinto alone is generally considered sufficient to unite. Shinto originated in prehistoric times as a religion with a connection to nature and certain sacred sites.


Buddhism first came to Japan in the 6th century from the southern part of the kingdom of Baekje on the Korean peninsula. King Baekje sent the Japanese emperor a Buddha image and some silks. The Japanese nobility-built Buddhist statues and temples in the capital in Nara, and then in the capital in Heian (now Kyoto).


Islam was known for the first time by the people of Japan in 1877 as part of western religious thought and around that year, the life of the Prophet Muhammad was translated into Japanese. This helped the Islamic religion to place itself in the intellectual thinking of Japanese people, but only as a knowledge and part of cultural history.



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